Totally agree ! I’ve always found them too sweet. But, there is one sort of cupcakes that will never be outdated: the ethereal, sublime, sophisticated, perfect choco-chai cupcake from Cocoa Locale. You should try it and tell me about it ! I will post something soon about this wonderful place:
They are still in because they are so cute, but definitely not as trendy as they once were. I definitely think the cupcake market is now saturated!
Totally agree ! I’ve always found them too sweet. But, there is one sort of cupcakes that will never be outdated: the ethereal, sublime, sophisticated, perfect choco-chai cupcake from Cocoa Locale. You should try it and tell me about it ! I will post something soon about this wonderful place:
Je crois que In ou Out ils sont surtout BONS.
Miam miam. Je suis tellement d’accord pour celui du Cocoa Locale !
Haha ! Vrai
In ou out, je m’en fiche, je les fait moi même de toute façon alors au diable la mode 😀